Etwinning and Erasmus under the stars
Erasmus Under the Stars
Three students from Konstantin Velichkov Specialised Secondary School of Mathematics in Pazardzhik organized and hosted an event called Erasmus Under the Stars. During an outdoor meeting on 13th October 2022 former and current Erasmus+ participants shared their experiences and takeaways from project activities and potential Erasmus+ participants found out about the programme and the opportunities it gives to young people to travel, explore and learn.
The venue of the event was symbolic because it is the place where students and teachers from partner countries get together for international evenings when the school hosts a mobility. It is a place to taste local food, to dance to traditional music from European countries and to celebrate the opportunity to be together. The atmosphere of Erasmus Under the Stars was similar - in a friendly and informal tone 7 Erasmus + participants told the stories of their exchanges to Italy, Sweden, Slovenia, Belgium, Portugal, Poland and Lithuania, the impact the project activities had on their personal and academic development and all the new friendships they made.
A number of games were played to introduce some facts about the Erasmus + programme, the partner countries of the school, the current projects “Creative and critical thinking - the way ahead” and “ Students’empowerment through school environment” under KA229 and all the other Erasmus + projects the school has been involved in. The meeting gathered around 30 Homo Erasmus from our school - current and former teachers and students from 8th - 11th grade. Through social media the event reached an audience of over 1500 people - followers of the school’s Facebook page and personal Facebook accounts.
Below you may find some links featuring the announcement and the review of the event.